Mrs. Botum Nen

Mrs. Botum Nen

Coordinate The Information offices for MTT Campus

Botum Nen was born in 1986 in Kandal province.  She graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from Norton University in 2013.

Mrs. Botum Nen started working at Mengly J. Qouch Education Company in 2015 as an Assistant Information Officer. Based on her ability, hard work and perseverance in the eight years she worked for Mengly J. Qouch Education, she received a series of promotions.  She was then transferred from the Information Officer to Senior Information Officer in 2020. On December 1, 2022 until today She was promoted to Information Supervisor. Mrs. Botum Nen has the role and duty to help oversee and coordinate the information offices of the 8 branches in Phnom Penh and provinces as well.

Mrs. Botum Nen has done a good job for the organization for the past 8 years, Mengly J. Qouch Education sincerely commended her for her dedication and hard work, which has contributed to the success of the institution to this day.