The 5th graders to the Royal Palace of Chatumuk Mongkol

On December 23, 2024, the school committees and teachers of the American Intercon School, Chbar Ampov Campus, led the 5th graders to the Royal Palace of Chatumuk Mongkol for the 189th times. Upon arrival, the students learned about the Royal Palace of Chatumuk Mongkol, which is the current location of the Cambodia capital and represents the entire nation. In particular, they learned about the valuable national heritage, Khmer traditions, historical events, and genealogies in the National Cultural Center, linked to the students’ own textbooks. The students studied the general view of the Royal Palace with the guide explaining the scope of national cultural heritage and the Khmer capital that has changed its location continuously until now. They also learned about the royal residences of the King and the Kongpratap dynasty, including the names and roles of each temple in the Royal Palace. The students were deeply impressed by the valuable national heritage and the beautiful traditional architectural works of outstanding Khmer architects. After the study tour, the students, teachers, and the director took commemorative photos in front of the Royal Palace, Chatumuk Mongkol, before returning to school safely and happily.